Serving Northeast Philadelphia and Beyond

6235 Frankford Ave | Northeast Philadelphia | | 215-856-3591

Weekly Email List

Stay on top of all Grey Lodge Pub and Lucky Cat Brewing news, which these days changes fast, with The Log, our now weekly email list. We never spam and we never sell or loan our list to anyone.


As of 23 November 2020, we can't access Mailchimp. Mailchimp has no support, so The Log list is lost at the moment. (You get what you pay for, or this case don't pay for).

So we have to rebuild our email list, if you want sign up (or re-sign up) for The Log, please email

Times they are a changing. And we are changing with them. We will be updating our progress weekly through our Newsletter, Website, as well as Instagram and Facebook. We hope you join us on our journey.

One of the "Best Bars in America"
- Esquire Magazine